The Monday Morning Blues and Local man wins

April 14, 2008

Not so much the blues, but another weekend of not hitting the Mega OR the Class 47 here in Michigan. Not so much a bummer, but as I was rifling through some past tickets of last month that I never cashed in, I saw a winner! A Fantasy 5 ticket worth a buck. At least I got my money back on that one, not technically. I was out for hours yesterday with a stack of winning tickets just waiting to be cashed.

But some bright news, a local man in the Wayne County area won the previous big jackpot of 135 million dollars.  David Sneath of Livonia won the big one and according to, he celebrated his 60th birthday. Happy Birthday David and congrats on the big jackpot! He took the lump sum of 84million before taxes and I’m sure he’ll enjoy the rest of his life now. A stand up guy, he even gave his lottery playing friends a million bucks each to boot!

Its always good to see someone local win the Mega Millions here in Michigan, makes me feel like I still do have a chance. That and it lets me know what stores to not play my winners at, since I’ve yet to see a store produce more then 1 super jackpot winner…or just a jackpot winner at all!